General Information
In order to retain a certain freedom of movement and to accommodate the most traffic, arrivals and departures will be made without fixed radio procedures. The frequency 130.200 MHz will be used for the festival and demonstrations by exhibitors. However it is highly recommended to transmit as little as possible and only if absolutely necessary, but to thoroughly prepare your arrival and to keep a very good look out.
An Automatic Traffic Information Service (ATIS) will be active on 127.350 MHz. All aircraft should monitor this frequency before arrival to obtain the latest information.
It is imperative to respect the schedule regarding the hours when arrivals are allowed and the published procedures. Please note that during the period on Saturday evening reserved for slow flight, no other arrivals are allowed.
The only period when the use of radio is obligatory is Saturday 08:30 to 14:00 local.
The traffic density during this period does not allow for the use of a normal radio procedure. A good listening watch must be maintained and all pilots must be ready to execute any manoeuvres requested of them.
Pilots should only transmit for reasons of flight safety and security.
During this period ALL radio communications must be EXCLUSIVELY IN FRENCH !
Pilots arriving under a flight plan MUST close the flight plan on arrival.
Every year the organisers waste time searching for pilots who have forgotten to close their flight plans.
Prohibited Area
DO NOT enter the Prohibited area around the nuclear plant of Saint Laurent des Eaux.
Radius = 5km (2.7nm)
Height = 1000m (3300 ft) AGL
Centred at 47°43'13" N - 001°34'45"" E (app 15 nm East of aerodrome)
This is a Temporary Prohibited Zone. Incursions are liable to a fine between 15,000€ and 45,000€ and/or six months to one year prison sentence.
Please treat this seriously.
Traffic Management
A Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) will be set up around the airfield, with a radius of 3km (1.6nm) and a height of 1000m (3300 ft) AGL primarily in order to control the flow and separation of Group-A and Microlight arrivals. During the festival, for reasons of flight safety, the area to the North-East of the aerodrome (shaded pink below), as well as the tarmac runways 12/30, will be reserved for Group-A aircraft and helicopters. The area to the South-West (shaded blue below)and the grass runways 12/30 will be exclusively for Microlights.
The water tower at Landes le Gaulois, the only one near the aerodrome (blue circle below) is an ideal landmark for joining the downwind leg at 600 ft AGL, however this should not become a dense concentration point, and a good lookout must be maintained at all times.
Do not overfly the village of Landes le gaulois. (Residences and village festival)
Runways in service
During the three days of the festival only the runways 12/30 will be used for arrivals, however the organisers may decide at their sole discretion to allow certain departures on 20 (never on 02). See the post ‘Flight departures – Microlights’
Microlights should enter the area from south west of the water tower, listen for information on 127.350MHz and then monitor the Microlight frequency 130.200 MHz; keep a good lookout; make gentle changes of speed, direction, slope and respect the traffic pattern.
During the festival, Microlights should not use the aerodrome frequency 118.450MHz or the hard runway.
In order to avoid unnecessary overhead passes, the runway in use will be indicated by a « T » which will be positioned close to the threshold of runway 02 and visible by passing well above the circuit height, before joining downwind. In the case of little or no wind, runway 12 will be preferred for arrivals. In order to maintain a uniform traffic pattern, Base Leg should be flown at 800m from the threshold. This can be judged by visually extending the grass runway by its own length.
RUNWAY 12 - Arrivals
The runway line and the threshold are clearly marked by the displaced threshold markers. Base leg should be flown just west of the D138 road. Abeam the small wooded area, you should aim to be at about 300ft.
RUNWAY 30 – Arrivals
The runway line and the threshold are also clearly marked by the displaced threshold markers. Finals for this runway should also be flown from 800m with an approach slope of 5 to 10%. Abeam the tarmac runway 30 threshold, you should aim to be at about 300ft.
Particular attention must be paid to the traffic order and separation distances must be respected. An approach speed on final of 90kmh (50kts) should suit most pilots. For flight safety and security reasons, it is important to maintain a standard approach slope and a minimum separation of 400m between all aircraft. Remember to check your blind spots.
Ground Movements
Neither the tarmac runway nor the 100m strip between the tarmac runway and the festival are to be used by Microlights, except for reasons of flight safety.
All pilots should make an effort to clear the runway as quickly as possible by the exit at the Centre Point (CP) and to follow the signs and flags towards the Microlight parking area. Any pilot unable to stop and turn off at the CP should continue to the far end of the runway,turn off and follow the directions of the marshals, DO NOT BACK-TRACK. Only exhibitors with valid badges will be permitted to taxi directly to their stands.
The runway and taxiway layout is shown below:
Fuel will be available at the entrance to the Microlight parking area, from your arrival time onwards. Movements in the parking area will on the east-west aligned paths and follow a one-way system. Anyone wishing to camp alongside their aircraft should park in the western half of the parking (outside the glider runway) Tent pegs must not be fixed anywhere on the existing glider runway.
Those wishing to take part in the “Concours d’esthétique” should go to the area marked “Occasion” on the right and follow the marshals’ directions.
Friday 2nd September
Although the festival will not have started, the Temporary Restricted Zone around the aerodrome will be active, allowing Microlights to arrive, without radio, on the published Microlight circuit for the festival. Pilots may make traffic calls on 130.200 MHz, but should limit radio messages to the absolute minimum. It is highly recommended to listen to the ATIS on 127.350 MHz and the aerodrome ATS on 118.450 MHz before entering the circuit.
Microlights must only land on the grass runways 12/30, reserved for the festival, Paramotors should follow the directions given to them separately by the organisers.
Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th
The arrivals schedule will be similar to previous years, as published in the programme which can be downloaded here: Programme_en_2011.pdf
The briefing for the flight demonstrations will take place at 09:30 Saturday in the central area. On Saturday evening a period will be reserved for ‘slow flight’.
Any Microlight wishing to use the hard runway must follow the procedures published for Group-A aircraft, park in their parking and will not have priority for registration.
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